Please bear in mind that the festival has an emphasis on avant-garde films, experimental videos and “filmsd’auteur”.
Before filling in the entry form, take a look at our festival regulations.
Original title (required)
English title (required)
Country of production (required)
Year of production (required) 201820192020
Director's name (required)
Student First Work
Colors (required) ColourB&WColour and B&W
Duration (required)
Genre (required, hold CTRL to select multiple) FictionDocumentaryAnimationExperimental
Shooting Format (required, e.g.: 35mm, 16mm/Super16, 8mm/Super8, RED, HDV, HDCAM, HDSLR, miniDV)
Screening ratio (required) 4 x 34 x 3 letterbox16 x 9
Sound (required, e.g.: mono, stereo, Dolby SR, Dolby Digital)
Synopsis (required)
Previous screenings in festivals & awards
Contact person name (required)
Telephone (required)
Email (required)
URL (required, Vimeo, YouTube etc.)
I declare that I am authorized by the originator(s) and participants of the work or otherwise to dispose of the admitted rights, and I guarantee these rights to the festival. In thecase that rights have already been transferred to a licensee, I have obtained permission regarding the rights that are here with delegated to Timishort Film Festival. (required)
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