Timishort 2011.

Snow – Erol Mintas (Turcia/România)
The woman and the dog – Damien Manivel (Franţa)
Woman waiting – Antoine Bourges (Canada)
The German Pavilion – Juan Millares (Spania)
How to pick berries – Elina Talvensaari (Finlanda)
13 1/2 – Hasir Vafeiadis (Grecia)
Canopy Crossings – Gary Yong (Thailanda)
The shower – Maria Jose San Martin (Chile)
Paris/Sexy – Ruth Paxton (Marea Britanie)
Thailand – Zvika Buchenspanner (Israel/Palestina)
15 july – Cristi Iftime (Romania)
The Box – Mircea Ghinescu (Romania)

Fotografia – Victor Dragomir
Categoria grea – Olivia Căciuleanu
Apele tac – Anca Miruna Lăzărescu
Împuşcând căcatul – Radu Ţigănaş
Skin – Ivana Mladenovic
Adulter – Peter Kerek
După amiaza în Drumul Taberei – Vlad Trandafir
Draft 7 – Luiza Pârvu

Overload, R: Mauri Lehtonen – Finlanda, 4’
Les Barbares / The Barbarians / Barbarii, R: Jean-Gabriel Periot – Franţa, 5’
Doctor Rao / Doctorul Rao, R: Alexej Tchernyi/Wu Zhi – Germania, 7’
Stardust, R: Nicolas Provost – Belgia, 20’
Maybe Siam / Poate Siam, R: Christoph Girardet, Matthias Müller – Germania, 12’
Questions to my father / Întrebări pentru tatăl meu, R: Konrad Mühe – Germania, 11’
The Homogenics, R: Gerard Freixes Ribera – Spania, 4’
You and Me / Tu şi eu, R: Karsten Krause – Germania, 4’
Walzerkönig / King of the Waltz / Regele Valsului, R: Adnan Popović – Austria, 5’
Letzer Tag der Republik / Last day of the Republic / Ultima zi a Republicii, R: Reynold Reynolds – Germania, 8’
Stagecoach, R: Sami van Ingen – Finlanda, 9’
Sleep / Somn, R: Claudius Gentinetta/Fran Braun – Elveţia, 4’


A FILM FOR FRIENDS, Romania, 2011, DV-cam, color, 60’

Film school: UNATC

Captivi de Crăciun / Stuck on Christmas, R: Iulia Rugină – România, 40’
Teză pe două rânduri / Exam in Multiple Versions, R: Ion Aramă – România, 12’
Câteva lucruri despre Ana / Something about Ana, R: Diana Munteanu – România, 20’
Strung Love, R: Victor Dragomir – România, 19’
Vic şi Ema / Vic and Ema, R: Sarra Tsorakidis – România, 11’
Extrasezon / Offseason, R: Raia Al Souliman – România, 16’
Între prieteni / Surrounded by Friends, R: Ozana Nicolau – România, 16’
Lost Spring 2, R: Andrei Dobrescu – România, 13’
Efecte secundare / Side Effects, R: Vladimir Dembinski – România, 12’
Mamma Roma / Mother Rome, R: Alexandru Bădeliţă – România, 14’

Film Schools: HFF München

Daniels Asche / Daniel’s Ashes / Cenuşa lui Daniel, R: Boris Kunz – Germania, 31’
Vatersprache / Father Language / Limbă paternă, R: Mirjam Orthen – Germania, 13’
Von Haus zu Haus / From House to House / Din casă în casă, R: Friederike Guessefeld – Germania, 10’
Ohne Atem / Without Breath / Fără suflare, R: Fabio Stoll – Germania, 6’
Cosmic Station / Staţie cosmică, R: Bettina Timm – Germania, 30’


The Secret of Deva / Secretul Devei – România, 58’
One Day Today Will Be Once / Într-o bună zi astăzi va fi odinioară – Germania, 27’
Bucharest – Berlin / Bucureşti – Berlin – România-Germania, 24’

Focus on Emanuele Moretti

Colors Meeting / Întâlnire de culori – Italia, 4’
8 Super Impressions / 8 Super impresii – Italia, 8’
The Sun in the Pen / Soarele în stilou – Italia, 13’
The Boy and the Wind / Băiatul şi vântul – Italia, 7’
Buio in sala in tre di / Movie Theater / Cinematograf – Italia, 10’

Focus on Germany

Bob, R: Jacob Frey, Harry Fast, 3’
Boule, R: Bjoern Ullrich, 6’
Cronología / Chronology / Cronologie, R: Rosana Cuellar, 12’
Egodyston, R: Xenia Lesniewski, 3’
Geliebte / Mistress / Amantă, R: IJ. Biermann, 5’
Hinterhof / Backyard / Curtea din spate, R: Ana-Felicia Scutelnicu, 16’
Ich bin’s. Helmut / It’s Me. Helmut / Eu sunt. Helmut, R: Nicolas Steiner, 11’
Kleine Broetchen / Humble Pie / Aperitive, R: Marcus Zilz, 4’
Oh Wehe Mir, R: Sermin Kaynak, 5’
Paradise Later, R: Ascan Breuer,13’

Festival visit: Cologne OFF

Digital Snapshots / Cadre digitale, R: Daniel Lo Iacono – Germania, 3’
Vmeste / Together / Împreună, R: Mikhail Zheleznikov – Rusia, 4’
Patience / Răbdare, R: iaaai – Franţa, 4’
Depression Marquis / Depresia Marquis, R: Myriam Thyes – Elveţia, 2’
Unstable Stables / Instabil stabil, R: Jude Anogwih – Nigeria, 1’
The City and The Other / Oraşul şi celălalt, R: Albert Merino Gomez – Spania, 3’
Picking Cherries / Culegând cireşe, R: Ioannis Roumeliotis – Grecia, 15’
Corporate Art Policy / Politica artei corporative, R: Ira Needleman – SUA, 6’
Straniero/ Foreigner / Străinul, R: Giuseppe Girardi – Italia, 7’
The 7th of November / 7 noiembrie, R: Yuriy Kruchak, Yulia Kostereva – Ucraina, 4’
My Home – My Dream / Casa mea – Visul meu, R: Liu Haiping – China, 6’
Amora, R: Ezra Wube – Etiopia, 2’
The Gang: La Raza Loca / Gaşca: La Raza Loca, R: Andres Villa – Mexic, 8’

Festival visit: FIFF Namur

Dans la jungle des villes / In the Urban Jungle / În jungla urbană, R: Denis Eyriey, Stéphane Demoustier – Franţa, 29’
Etrangere / Stranger / Străin, R: Christophe Hermans – Belgia, 13’
Le deuil de la cigogne joyeuse / The Mourning of the Happy Stork / Doliul berzei vesele, R: Eileen Hofer – Elveţia-Liban, 15’
Les Poissons / The Fish / Peştii, R: Jean Malek – Canada, 5’
Strips, R: Felix Dufour Laperrière – Canada, 6’
Khouya / My Brother / Fratele meu, R: Yanis Koussim – Algeria, 17’
La fin du Monde / The End of the World / Sfârşitul lumii, R: Michael Havenith – Belgia, 10’
“Karibu ya Bintou” de Spike & Jones, Artist: Baloji – Belgia, 5’
“Moonshot Falls” de Antoine Arditti, Artist: Peter Von Poehl – Franţa, 4’

Festival visit: Directors Lounge

UNLITh, R: Mihai Grecu – Franţa, 8’
Uso Justo, R: Coleman Miller – SUA, 23’
Energie!, R: Thorsten Fleisch – Germania, 5’
La Descente / The Descent / Decădere, R: Robert Croma – Marea Britanie, 8’
Planet Z / Planeta Z, R: Momoko Seto – Franţa, 10’
Back + Forth / Înapoi + Înainte, R: Clint Enns – Canada, 3’
Dies Irae, R: Jean-Gabriel Périot – Franţa, 10’
Dubus, R: Alexei Dmitriev – Rusia, 4’

Festival visit: Anim’est

Vovô / Granddad / Bătrânul, R: Luiz Lafayette Stockler – Marea Britanie, 3’
ReNew – The Future not Future / ReÎnnoire – Viitor fără viitor, R: Zhang Xu Zhan, Chen Yan Wei – Taiwan, 5’
Mune: Love between Worlds / Mune sau dragostea dintre lumi, R: Jesca Marisa – Africa de Sud, 10’
Cudotvorno Mlijeko / Wondermilk / Laptele miraculos, R: Ivan Ramadan – Bosnia şi Herzegovina, 7’
Fard, R: David Alapont, Luis Briceno – Franţa, 13’
Voltage / Voltaj, R: Filippe Lyra, William Paiva – Brazilia, 9’
The Fox Sisters / Surorile Fox, R: Stine Nymand Svensson, Elianna Hansen – Danemarca, 6’
Birdboy, R: Pedro Rivero, Alberto Vázquez – Spania, 12’


Martin Blaney (UK/Germany)
Hugo Ramos (Portugal)
Lucian Maier (Romania)


Alexey Dmtriev (Russia)
Pavel Brăila (Republic of Moldova)
Agricola de Cologne (Germany)


Timishort Trophy for Best Short Film
The Timishort Trophy for the Best Film goes to 15 Iulie (15 July) by Cristi Iftime. „This was the No. 1 favourite for all of the jury members because of the film’s well-written characters in a seemingly simple story which nevertheless has great subtlety. The film boasts some great acting performances.

Best Director Award
Best Director Award for Berf (Snow) by Erol Mintas. „Here is a magnificent directorial achievement which, through the combination of beautiful landscapes and a story of few words, gives us a sensitive portrait of an archaic society shaken by political turmoil from the modern world outside.“

Timishort Special Award
Timishort Special Award goes to Woman Waiting by Antoine Bourges. „Like a Renaissance painting, this film delivers exactly what the title says. A strong concept which also allows for important social criticism.“

Special Mention goes to Canopy Crossings by Gary Yong „for a really original mix between documentary and fiction that shows us the particular phenomenon of a market operating literally on both sides of the (railway) tracks.“


Best Romanian Film
Best Romanian Film goes to Fotografia (The Photograph) by Victor Dragomir „for the skillful characterisation of two Romanian generations with great acting performances across the board.“

Best Cinematography for a Romanian Film
Best Cinematography for a Romanian film goes to Skin by Ivana Mladenovic „for cinematographer Diana Vidrascu’s contribution to the director’s delicate way of showing us an episode of complicated relationships being put to the test.“

Special Mention goes to Apele Tac (Silent River) by Anca Miruna Lazarescu „for a really impressive short film which addresses a social theme – looking for a better life – that is as topical as ever.“


You and Me / Tu si eu by Karsten Krause For a creative artistic aproach of connecting the past and the present. As well as transforming a personal story into a universal one. And proving in a sentimental way the tough statement of Jean Luc Godard that the work of the camera is to document the work of death.

Honorable Mention:
Les barbares / Barbarii by Jean-Gabriel Periot For demasking media reality in a fucking contemporary way.

Audience Award

Apele tac / Silent River by Anca Miruna Lazarescu